i'm beginning to understand and plan my own idea boards. the first one was pretty disastrous. then i started with simple colors first, and went from there.
below are the colors, textures, fonts, & "facts" that i will be using for packaging, banners, business cards, the fact card ~an amazing idea i got from a friend to display interesting things about myself~, as well as mailers.
one of my goals- eh, I dislike the word goal. How about, one of my decisions for 2010 is to be organized.
this a first step in the right direction! i have a very scatter brain way of organization, which works (those of you who are like me, you know where to find things when others think you're nuts! right?)
not only organization, but i wanted each print package to have the same flow. same kraft paper packaging, along with colors (and super cute buttons i'm excited to use...), patterns, etc. you get the idea.
i'd love to hear your feedback? any other color suggestions? packaging ideas? anything!
i'm all ears.
I hope everyone has a great New Year's.
I'll be eating the traditional Pork & Sauerkraut here in Pennsylvania.
As well as watching The Twilight Zone marathon.